What is eTwinning?

eTwinning is the Community for schools in Europe. Teachers from all participating countries can register and use the eTwinning online tools (the Portal and the Desktop) to find each other, meet virtually, exchange ideas and practice examples, team up in Groups, learn together in Learning Events and engage in online-based projects.

What is an eTwinning Project?

Schools from at least two schools from at least two different European countries create a project and use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to carry out their work. As schools communicate and collaborate via the Internet, there
are no grants or administrative conditions connected to the scheme and face-to-face meetings are not required.

Who can participate?

An eTwinning project can be carried out by two or more teachers, teams of teachers or subject departments, librarians, head teachers and pupils from schools across Europe. Collaboration can be within the same subject or cross-curricular through the use of ICT. Pre-school, primary, secondary and upper secondary schools can all participate (age range of pupils, 3-19).

Which countries are part of eTwinning?

eTwinning applies to the Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Overseas territories and countries are also eligible. In addition,
Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway and Turkey can also take part.

Duration of the Internet project: from October 2009 to June 2010
The age of the students: 13-15 years old
Partner schools taking part in the project:

From Portugal:
Escola Secundária c/ 3º CEB de Coruche, Coruche

From Poland:
Gimnazjum Publiczne Nr 1 we Frysztaku, Frysztak
These are 19 students from class II B

From Italy:
ITCG „Enrico Fermi”, Pontedera (PI)

From Romania:

The aim of the project: students are to exchange the information on their schools, classes, home places, region, culture and traditions, esp. connected with holidays celebrated in their countries, daily life, their interests and their lifestyle.

Thanks to this project young people from our school can find out something new about their mates from other European countries, find similarities and differences in the sphere of culture and learn how to present various kinds of data by means of a number of ICT tools. The project is done in English and this is the language of communication among all the students and teachers engaged in the work on the project.

In Polish:

Czas realizacji projektu: od października 2009 do czerwca 2010
Wiek uczniów biorących udział w projekcie: 13-15 lat
Projekt realizowany przez szkoły partnerskie z Polski, Portugalii, Włoch i Rumunii.
Uczniowie mają za zadanie wymieniać się informacjami dotyczącymi ich stylu życia, sposobów spędzania czasu wolnego, zainteresowań, szkoły, miejscowości, w których mieszkają oraz tradycji typowych dla danego kraju.
Dzięki temu projektowi młodzież ma okazję dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o swoich rówieśnikach z innych krajów europejskich, znaleźć różnice i podobieństwa w sferze kultury oraz nauczyć się prezentowania informacji za pomocą różnorodnych
narzędzi ICT. Projekt jest wykonywany w języku angielskim.
Podczas realizacji projektu uczniowie wymieniają się tekstami nawiązującymi do tematyki projektu.1zew9c0